Miracles happen every day...

Miracles happen every day...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The truth about Lily...


So, my Lilyana has been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder. An Autism spectrum disorder. I wasn't so sure I was going to tell everyone for fear of the backlash, snotty comments, and whatever. But, i feel the need to let my friends and family know whats going on so that they have a better understanding of why Lily acts out the way she does, and so that she's approached differently when her behavior isn't appropriate. There are going to be many many changes around my home, and the way we all act & interact with everyone.

We are just now in the "finding out" phase and I am having a harder time with it than Ben. I have been very very depressed and unmotivated to do much of anything. The house, laundry, yards, and cars are a mess. I have a lot on my plate. I am the primary caregiver and decision maker for the kids, and it's all on my shoulders for evaluations and appointments. I am thankful that Ben is being so supportive and that he's here for me to lean on whenever I need him.

I don't want sympathy, or condoloences...I just want support and friends. I love my Lily and I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that she's treated properly and has the best possible life. I am going to post updates and appointments and just every day trials and tribulations here. Some may be depressing, sad, happy, silly, or whatever :0) This is my blog, this is where I am going to come to say whatever I feel at the time.

I love all my friends, internet ones, and ones I see everyday. Input is appreciated very much... BUT judgement is not. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Love to all....


  1. Jamie, you are a rockin momma for doing all that you do!! Getting a diagnosis for Miss Lily is a huge step and you know she is not just acting out because she wants to. I am so proud of you for taking this step. I hope it only gets easier for you from here. Let me know if I can be of any help from this far away, LOL!!!

  2. Jaime... very much appreciated <3 I am and will continue to do everything I can for her. Everything will be OK, and I know it. We have a lot of people that are supportive. Some who haven't been. It's OK though because family are friends will always be here. I don't want her treated DIFFERENT @ all! Hopefully everyone will understand that.

  3. Prayers and Blessings sent to you for your Journey ahead. Remember as a Care Giver, do take a small amount of time for your self. It is O.K. to do that, cause if your stressed everyone is stressed. Be Well....

  4. If anyone has any judgements, send them my way, girl! I'll take care of them! =)
    You know how I feel about it all, so proud of you for taking that step!
    Continued prayers always.
    I love you girl! <3

  5. Sending you love, prayers, and healing energy from southwest Mexico. Miracles DO happen... I've been on the receiving end several times. Hang in there, you're not alone!

  6. Thank you all so much <3 I am going to try to stay positive and do what's needed. I think it's just so hard because it's so new still. I believe God will take care of us all.
