Miracles happen every day...

Miracles happen every day...

Sunday, January 2, 2011


is going to be all about me and my family. What makes US happy, healthy, and whole. 2010 had too much bad memories, problems, drama, and crap. 2011... here we come!!! 

I have many plans for this year. Possibly starting school, working on my weight, working on my food addiction, working on being more patient & kind. I want to be able to let go of those who have hurt me deeply, and I want to not dwell on the past. I want to hold close those who love me, and stop feeling sorry for myself. I want to have the balls to tell people what I really think, but the kindness not to intentionally hurt feelings. These are not resolutions, these are just my hopes. I am going to try my best to reach these goals. 

I am going to start working on my weight soon. I am buying an exercise bike from my BFF. I am going to try very hard to ride at least an hour per day & then start doing miles :P I think w/the encouragement and support of family & friends I will stop myself from hitting 250. 

I am hoping Ben gets his Toyota running & 4 wheeling capable, I look forward to outdoorsy things & fishing w/the family. I'd like to keep the kids as active as possible and out of in front of the TV. 

I hope to be a better, more understanding daughter. I hope to be able to look past lots of things that I have a tendancy to dwell on . I don't want to let the petty things bother me. I also want to embrace the Santa Cruz side. They truly love me and I believe there's good in everyone in the family. 
Here's to a happy & prosperous New Year!! God Bless!!!


  1. LOVE it!! I think it's the perfect hope and dreams for the new year!
    I love and respect your honesty; about you and your short-comings. Not everyone is able to look at themselves and be honest about things we'd like to change about ourselves. I have many of the same wishes and just loved the way you put it all down.
    Love ya girlie

  2. Thanks Ree Bee <3

    I def know my shortcomings. I will never deny them lol. I think that I have a lot to work on, but that nothing is impossible or permanent. I know if I truly want to change I am the only person who can make it happen <3

    I love you tons & am so happy your my friend!!! Thanks for being here for me <3
