Miracles happen every day...

Miracles happen every day...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lily's 1st eggs...

So, I have had the BEST morning with Miss Lilyana Lee. Instead of spending the morning thinking about what I should be doing, could be doing, we made eggs together :) She kept asking to help, so I thought "Why not". I must say that it was a blast. Something I will cherish forever :) The sweetness & willingness to help & please me :) I hope she never looses her sweetness. 

Mixing our eggies 

Adding the milk

putting the cap on

putting the milk away

adding cheese

just a pinch wasn't enough

another good mix

adding our eggie shells to our garden

Wyatt avoided helping!

she put them in the pan all by herself

cleaning up :)

What a great time we had. I honestly loved doing this with her. She felt to proud of herself & kept saying "I'm a big girl, a good girl". Yes Lily Lee... your momma's big helper, and good girl <3


  1. So sweet! What a precious way to start your day!

  2. Heck yeah! It was one of those things where if she makes me really mad I will just think of this morning :)
